Week 2, Workout 2: Chest & Triceps

Chest & Triceps: Warm Up
Optional: perform 3-5 minutes of cardio before starting warm-up exercises.
Knee Push-ups - 30 seconds
Backward Arm Swing- 30 seconds
Forward Arm Swing- 30 seconds
Inchworm - 30 seconds
Move on to activations to get those muscles ready to work!

Chest & Triceps: Activation
Arm Circles - 20 reps
Tricep Pushup (from knee, keep arms and elbows close to sides) - 10 reps
Burpee - 10 reps
Repeat each exercise twice then move on to circuit.

Chest & Triceps: Circuit
CIRCUIT: (Do all exercises back-to-back)
Chest Press - 12 reps
Tricep Dip - 12 reps
Chest Fly - 12 total
Tricep Extension (one arm only) - 6 per side
45 Second rest and then do it again, a total of 3 times.

Chest & Triceps: Superset 1
Supersets (perform each exercise back-to-back)
Sprawl - 10 reps
Skull Crusher 12 reps

Chest & Triceps: Superset 2
Pushup- 10 reps
Tricep Extension - 12 reps
30 second rest and then do it again, a total of 3 times.

Chest & Triceps: Burnouts
(30 second rest between burnouts, perform once)
Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press - 60 seconds
X Mountain Climber - 60 Seconds

Chest & Triceps: Cooldown
Hold each stretch for 20 seconds or 20 seconds each side.